Page parameters are located in page’s Front Matter.

titleString-Page title.
descriptionString-Page description.
keywordsArray-Page keywords.
commentBooleantrueWhether to enable comments. It won’t work if comment has been disabled globally.
tocBooleantrueWhether to enable TOC. It won’t work if toc has been disabled globally.
mathBooleanfalseWhether to enable math.
diagramBooleanfalseWhether to enable diagram.
rewardBooleantrueWhether to enable reward.
breadcrumbBooleantrueWhether to enable breadcrumb.
breadcrumbDividerString/Breadcrumb divider.
readingTimeBooleantrueWhether to display the reading time.
postDateBooleantrueWhether to display the post date in the post meta section.
copyrightBooleantrueWhether to display copyright section.
carouselBooleanfalseShow on carousel.
navBooleantrueTurn on/off the navigations.
sidebarBooleantrueShow/Hide the sidebar.
indexBooleantrueIndex this page in client search engine or not.
Creative Commons License
creativeCommons.byBooleantrueCredit must be given to you, the creator.
creativeCommons.ncBooleantrueOnly noncommercial use of your work is permitted.
creativeCommons.ndBooleantrueNo derivatives or adaptations of your work are permitted.
creativeCommons.saBooleantrueAdaptations must be shared under the same terms.
Meta Tag
metaRobotsString-Empty means that turn it off.
pinnedBooleanfalsePinning posts.
pinnedWeightNumber-Lower weight gets higher precedence.
featuredPostCountInteger/Boolean5The number of featured posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false.
recentPostCountInteger/Boolean5The number of recent posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false.
relatedPostCountInteger/Boolean5The number of related posts. Turn off by setting it to false.
featuredImageAltString-The alternative text for featured images, fallback to page title if not present.